
Filter Medium

  • Marine
  • Awarded best aquarium product

  • Harmless for corals and reef safe

  • Prevents problems

  • 100% natural and safe

  • Neutralizes toxic substances

  • Makes the water crystal clear

Quarantine and transport with Easy-Life Filter Medium

Very successful during transport

Easy-Life Filter Medium is being used successfully during transport and quarantine of freshwater and marine fish, and lower animals. The mortality rate reduces considerably, especially during long distance transport. The quarantine goes smoother and faster. Sometimes Easy-Life FM is used as a last resort, and not without success.

Saving lives with Easy-Life Filter Medium

During the relocation of fish and lower animals, the amounts of toxic substances keep piling up. This often leads to high mortality rates during transport (DOA - Death on Arrival) and even many lives are lost during quarantine. Due to a poor water quality (continually rising levels of waste products), the presence of all kinds of harmful bacteria and a lack of oxygen, the living creatures become heavily stressed and thus become very susceptible to all kinds of bacterial infections. Easy-Life fluid Filter Medium is unique because it effectively counteracts all these aspects at the same time!

Easy-Life Filter Medium during transport & quarantine

  • improves and stabilizes the water quality
  • prevents and reduces stress
  • keeps the ammonium levels down
  • neutralizes harmful bacteria
  • protects the slime coat of fish
  • continually adds small amounts of oxygen to the water water
  • creatures recover swiftly and will adjust to their new environments faster
  • Easy-Life FM is by far the safest product for fish and lower animals.
  • It's completely natural, so it doesn't contain any chemicals. Medicines like anti-biotics have many disadvantages : also destroy useful bacteria, do not prevent the build up of toxic compounds during transport (quite the contrary), often even promote stress, etcetera.
  • Easy-Life FM suffices to keep the fish and lower animals healthy during transport and quarantine.

Professional use: 0% DOA

Easy-Life Filter Medium is being used satisfactory by importers and exporters, wholesalers, breeders and shops to limit the mortality rate of fish and lower animals. In most cases there is no need to use anti-biotics anymore. Easy-Life FM, a completely natural product, really suffices and saves the lives of many fish and lower animals. It is not uncommon that the DOA droppes to zero, no matter how sensitive the fish or lower animals are to relocation.

Apply Easy-Life Filter Medium:

  • before transport: add the product to the transport water just before shipment
  • after transport: especially at airports when shipments arrive
  • during quarantine: after animals are put in their new surroundings
Let the dosage app help you!

Our new app is online! The dosing app, it helps you determine how much product to use based on your aquarium. This ensures that there is always the right amount in your aquarium. Which ensures that your fish and other aquatic animals have a healthy, clean and, above all, pleasant environment to live in. Are you also curious? Scan the QR code now to open the app!

Use the web app now!